£7.86 GBP inc. VAT
Actico® is a cohesive inelastic compression bandage, applied at 100% full stretch for accurate and easy simple spiral application – reducing the risk of over compression.
It delivers high working pressures and lower resting pressures, providing a massaging effect which mimics the action of healthy valves, to reduce venous hypertension and stimulate lymphatic uptake.
Key benefits:
- Effective ulcer healing and oedema reduction.
- Greater comfort at rest, which improves patient comfort and concordance.
- Patients can usually wear their normal shoe.
- Adaptable solution, suitable for a wide range of lower limb conditions - taking the guesswork out of which bandage to apply.
- The ‘Safe-Loc®’ system aids consistent and accurate application, making team training easier.
- Safe and effective for mobile and immobile patients.
Actico® Indications for use:
- Lower limb conditions where the Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) is ≥ 0.8 - ≤1.3
- Venous leg ulcers - with and without chronic oedema
- Chronic oedema and lymphoedema
- Mixed aetiology leg ulcers (ABPI 0.5-0.8) under specialist supervision (please refer to local guidelines)
- Mobile and immobile patients